St. Charles Athletic Handbook
Authority and Relationship to the Milwaukee Archdiocese and St. Charles Youth Ministry Director
Athletic Mission Statement and Objectives
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Regulations
Saint Charles Crusaders Property
St. Charles Athletics Volunteer Requirement
Athletic Staff Responsibilities
Coaches Responsibilities & Requirements
Coaches Certification
Recreation Center Supervisor Responsibilities
Admissions Worker
Concessions Worker
Team Parent Responsibility
Basketball/Volleyball Coordinator Responsibility
Volunteer Concessions Operations Coordinator
Equipment Manager
Parish Athletic Director
SCAA Athletic Director and Board Members
Coaching Appointments
CYM Program Guidelines
Welcome to St. Charles Parish Athletic Association “SCAA”. We are happy to present a copy of our Athletic Association Handbook to you. This booklet has been designed to help you know your Association better. We believe it is our responsibility to keep you accurately informed of the Association’s policies and procedures. This booklet is a summary of the principles for which we stand, the benefits to which you are entitled, and the obligations you assume as a participant in the St. Charles Parish athletic program. It is a pleasure to welcome new participants and extend best wishes to those who have been a part of the program.
Authority and Relationship to the Milwaukee Archdiocese and St. Charles Youth Ministry Director
The St. Charles Athletic Program abides by all Milwaukee Archdiocesan policies and regulations (Archdiocesan Athletic Policies 6145 – 6145.28) which can be accessed through a link on the “General Information” page of the St. Charles Athletic Association website.
The St. Charles Athletic Program is a parish-based program and as such, the parish pastor has the ultimate responsibility for all extra-curricular activities in the program. Oversight of the SCAA is performed by the Youth Ministry Director, including the setting of the SCAA’s responsibilities and authority to administer the athletic programs.
Athletic Mission Statement and Objectives
Mission Statement:
To provide athletic and sports opportunities in a Christian environment for St. Charles Parish members. These opportunities will complement the parish’s efforts to provide comprehensive educational and growth opportunities, as well as help the members enjoy sports and recreational activities. Each individual is to be valued as a unique person, possessing in his or her own way unique gifts from God.
1. Model Christian values.
2. Embrace sportsmanship by learning how to win with grace and lose with dignity.
3. Teach fundamentals of sports and help develop athletic skills within a competitive, fun and safe environment.
4. Learn teamwork and how to contribute to a team's success, both as a leader and as a teammate.
5. Promote the benefits of physical health and fitness.
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Regulations
Some of the key Archdiocese of Milwaukee policies and regulations are included below:
1. A student may participate with a non-archdiocesan team in the same sport during the season provided that the student’s priority and commitment is with the parish/school team, and the student maintains the eligibility requirements established by the parish/school administration and published locally.
2. Sports seasons are defined as:
Fall season: Volleyball – August 15th to November 7th
Winter season: Basketball – November 8th to March 23rd
Spring Season: Track – March 24th to End of School Year
All practices and games (independent, league and tournament) must take place during the defined sport season.
3. A team’s entire competitive season must be completed before any member of that team may begin participation in another sport. This restriction applies to practices as well as games or matches.
4. There is to be no practice, nor competition without competent adult supervision. An adult is a person who is 21 years of age.
5. Head coaches must be at least 21 years of age; assistant coaches must be at least 18 years of age and a high school graduate.
6. Travel to games must be kept at a reasonable distance especially on days preceding a school day. The player’s health and education must be safeguarded by the parish/school.
7. No student may participate in any phase of a school sponsored athletic program without a physical examination by a licensed physician every two years.
8. All appropriate forms related to athletics must be complete and returned before a student may participate in any tryouts, practices or games.
Saint Charles Crusaders Property
The Saint Charles Parish and School Crusaders' name, athletic facilities, equipment, uniforms, and athletic logos are the property of Saint Charles Parish and School. No one may use the Saint Charles Crusaders name, logos, uniforms, equipment or facilities without the explicit knowledge and approval of the Athletic Director, Athletic Board, or Pastor.
Participation in athletics is a privilege, not a right. A student may be eligible to participate in Saint Charles Athletic programs if the following criteria are met:
1. The student is enrolled in good standing in our parish school.
2. The student is enrolled in good standing in our parish religious education program and the parent/guardian is a registered member of the sponsoring parish.
3. The student is in a parish-approved, home-based catechetical program and the parent/guardian is a registered member of the sponsoring parish.
4. Eligibility requirements for participation apply equally to students in the parish school, the religious education program, and a parish-approved home-based catechetical program.
1. All student-athletes must register on the Saint Charles Athletic website before they are allowed to participate in any athletic activity. The following forms are imbedded in the registration website and must be completed:
a. Parents and/or Legal Guardians Risk Acknowledgement and Consent to Participate
- By signing this form, the parent releases the coaches, athletic board, the school, the parish, and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee from any and all legal responsibility should an injury occur to the student-athlete during any athletic competition or practice.
b. Student Athlete Medical Information & Emergency Consent
- This form provides parental/guardian consent for medical personnel to treat the student-athlete in the event of an accident or injury during an event when the parents/guardians cannot be notified.
c. Parent/Guardian Sportsmanship Pledge
- By signing this form parents/guardians acknowledge that they may not be allowed to attend athletic events if they do not display good sportsmanship.
d. Student-Athlete Sportsmanship Pledge
- By signing this form student athletes acknowledge that they understand representing Saint Charles Parish and School is a privilege and they may not be able to participate in athletic activities if they do not display good sportsmanship
e. Parent and Athlete Concussion Acknowledgement
- By signing this form Parents/Guardian acknowledge that have read the Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents and understand what a concussion is and how it may be caused and understand the common signs, symptoms, and behaviors related to concussions. Parents/Guardians acknowledge and agree that their child must be removed from practice/play if a concussion is suspected. Parents/Guardians acknowledge it is their responsibility to seek medical treatment if a suspected concussion is reported to them. Parents/Guardians acknowledge that they understand that their child cannot return to practice/play until providing written clearance from an appropriate health care provider to his/her coach and that they understand the possible consequences of their child returning to practice/play too soon.
2. All student-athletes must have a physical exam before participating in any practice or game for any sport. The exam is required by the Archdiocese every second year the athlete participates in a sport. The doctor's release must be on file with the Athletic Board Registrar before the student athlete is allowed to participate in any athletic activity. Any emergency information must be identified on this form. Coaches are given complete rosters of participants on their team, along with emergency contact information to carry with them to all games and practices. Athletic Physical forms may be downloaded from the athletics registration website and form the Archdiocese of Milwaukee website.
3. All fees must be paid prior to participation. The athletic board reserves the right to waive fees for families who demonstrate financial hardship.
1. A player must attend all practices, scrimmages, games, and tournaments unless excused by the coach for what the coach deems to be a legitimate reason. The coach must be notified of any absences for whatever reason. Any missed practice, regardless of the reason, will result in reduced playing time over the course of the season.
2. A student/athlete’s school responsibilities come before practice and games. Only students in good academic standing (see item 2. under Participant Eligibility) are eligible to participate in St. Charles athletics.
3. Players are expected to conduct themselves as young ladies and gentlemen in an appropriate manner at all times whether as a participant or as a spectator. Inappropriate behavior as determined by the coach or Athletic Director/Athletic Board may affect allotted playing time and participation in St. Charles athletics. Student-athletes must remember that they represent the St. Charles Parish community and their Christian family when participating in athletics. Any player found drinking alcohol, using drugs, smoking, fighting, or in any other way abusing their physical well-being will be immediately suspended from all sports teams.
4. Inappropriate actions with regard to parish property, facilities, equipment, or uniforms will be subject to disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the Athletic Director/Athletic Board.
5. Respect teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials. Coaches are volunteers, giving of their personal time. Officials are symbols of fair play and integrity.
6. All uniforms and equipment must be returned clean and in good condition at the end of each sport season. Failure to return a uniform (basketball and volleyball) in good repair at the end of the season or not turning in a uniform at all at the end of the season will result in the student-athlete not getting their final report card until a $75 replacement fee is paid. The final report card will be released when the uniform is turned in, repaired, or the fee for the lost or worn uniform is paid. Loss of eligibility for any other sport until the uniform fee is paid or uniform turned in will be enforced.
1. Parents should feel welcomed and encouraged to attend/observe team practices. At no time does a parent have the right to participate in coaching at a practice or a game without the coach’s permission.
2. Parents are expected to set a good example for the student/athletes. All spectators are expected to act in a Christian and sportsmanlike manner at all times. Parents are encouraged to attend games in which their children participate. Cheer for your team, but do not abuse opponents, coaches, officials, or referees.
3. Parent permission slips and insurance cards must be on file with the Athletic Director before any child can participate in any sport. Be sure that physical exams are scheduled early in the year so as not to jeopardize your student athlete from practice or games. A participation fee is required for each sport to help defray the costs of each activity. The fees are different for each sport and are reviewed annually. A uniform replacement fee for each sport will also be collected in addition to the participation fee when a uniform is not returned or it is not returned in good condition at the end of each sport season.
4. Parents need to be responsible for getting the athletes to practice on time, as well as picking them up on time. Remember, the coaches are donating their free time, so please be prompt. Coaches are also not allowed to transport your son or daughter in any way, shape, or form unless parental consent is given.
5. All fees must be paid at spring sign up. All student/athletes must be signed up at spring sign-up. A $25 late fee will be charged to those who do not sign up at this time. NO EXCEPTIONS.
St. Charles Athletics Volunteer Requirement
Without parent volunteers our sports programs would not be possible. Families are asked to commit approximately 5 hours per sport, per athlete. This may vary depending on the number of participants in each sport.
Volunteer credit is given to only one head coach and one assistant coach. Families who do not meet the minimum number of volunteer hours may have their eligibility revoked at the discretion of the athletic board. Any family with a hardship and unable to meet these requirements should contact the athletic director.
Families will be contacted by the volunteer coordinator before each season begins. Once the volunteer schedule is established it will be your duty to switch with someone if you cannot make your respective times and dates.
Athletic Staff Responsibilities
Coaches Responsibilities & Requirements
1. Coaches will hold a pre-season meeting with parents of all student-athletes to familiarize the parents with the coach’s practice and game schedules, player conduct expectations, playing time, and other related topics. Parents will be advised of their responsibilities in regard to volunteer time and gym duties during assigned league games and tournaments.
2. Coaches will keep attendance records for practices, scrimmages, games, and tournaments and will be responsible for records dealing with disciplinary actions.
3. Coaches will give players an equal opportunity to participate in practice and will follow the playing time rules as set in this athletic policy.
4. Coaches are expected to provide coaching on the fundamentals of their respective sports commensurate with the player’s ability.
5. Coaches will conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit to themselves, their players, and to our St. Charles Parish. Coaches will be held responsible for the actions of their players during games and should set a good example in terms of sportsmanship.
6. Coaches provide a very worthy service to an athlete. They must remember that they play an important part in the development of the student-athlete under their supervision. Coaches must conduct themselves as Christians at all times. They must not interfere with or impede, the Parish’s programs. Imprudent actions, on the part of any coach, are subject to disciplinary action by the Athletic Director and/or Athletic Board.
7. Coaches are expected to attend coaches’ meetings and any coaches clinics sponsored or endorsed by the SCAA.
8. In the event that a child’s behavior warrants disciplinary action by the coach resulting in temporary suspension of playing rights, the coach will personally communicate with the parent and communicate circumstances of the disciplinary action to the Athletic Director/Athletic Board before the disciplinary action is to take place.
9. Coaches will provide proper supervision at games, practices, and in locker rooms.
10. Each team will have a Head Coach and at least one Assistant Coach/Volunteer (Virtus-Trained).
11. Each coach will get a set of keys to the Recreation Center at the beginning of each season. Each coach will be responsible to sign the proper paperwork necessary for obtaining a key at the Parish Office.
12. Coaches are responsible for arranging their own tournaments.
13. Coaches serve as the first step in a grievance procedure concerning his/her team. Please see the “Problem Solving Procedures” section of the Handbook for all the steps involved in a grievance procedure.
14. Any coach defying the spirit of the playing time rules will receive a warning if necessary from the Athletic Director/Athletic Board. A second warning of the same nature will result in the coach being removed from his/her coaching position for no less than the remainder of the season. If his/her desires are to coach the following year he/she must be approved by the Athletic Board.
15. Coaches are allowed to submit their tournament requests directly to the parish office. No approval is needed from the Athletic Director//Athletic Board for these tournaments.
16. Coaches are not allowed or authorized to buy anything for their particular sports team without approval from the Athletic Director/Athletic Board. The Athletic Director/Athletic Board will approve the request as well as buy the items needed.
17. Any activities beyond the scope of normal practice schedules, or the approved tournaments, must also be approved by the Athletic Director/Athletic Board. Practice times will be coordinated between the Parish Office and the Athletic Director/Athletic Board. Any use of the Recreation Center by any team or coach must be approved and be on the Master Calendar for the Recreation Center.
1. All coaches must be certified. The training programs for certification for ALL coaches shall include:
a. View of the Coach’s video from the Archdiocese. (one time)
b. Virtus training must be completed before your first interaction with the student athletes. (one time)
2. Attend a coaching clinic of the designated sport each year.
3. All coaches at the end of the year are subject to a coach’s review conducted by the Athletic Director/Athletic Board. Coaching a team one year does not give the coach the automatic responsibility for the next year.
Recreation Center Supervisor Responsibilities
Use of the Recreation Center is restricted on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings during mass, along with Holy days, special days of observance such as Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, and Good Friday. At no time is the Recreation Center to be used during these times. No coaches, players, parents, siblings, other teams from other schools, etc. can enter the Recreation Center during these times. The doors are to remain locked during these times. Setup people and concession coordinators are permitted in these areas for setup. Coaches, supervisors, board members, etc. are to enforce this policy without exception.
1. The recreation center supervisor can also serve as basketball/volleyball coordinator, coach, concessions coordinator, athletic director, etc.
2. The recreation center supervisor must act as the parish ambassador to all visitors, welcoming them; assisting with directions, explanations, and answering questions.
3. In the event of an injury of a player or visitor, the following procedure must be followed.
a. Treat with ice pack located in equipment room.
b. Let parent know what happened.
c. Monitor situation closely to make sure situation is under control and athlete is OK.
a. Call 911 immediately.
b. Contact parent or guardian.
c. If parent is not available insist that someone accompanies the child in the ambulance to the hospital until the parent or guardian arrives.
d. Make the Athletic Director/Athletic Board aware of this situation so that he/she can report this to the proper Parish personnel.
4. In the event of a behavioral problem, the following procedure must be followed:
a. Issue a warning. This warning can also be issued by the referees, an athletic board member who is present or the Athletic Director.
b. If problem persists:
1. Ask him/her to leave and provide an escort until the offender is outside the building.
2. Call police for assistance if the offender acts in a threatening manner.
1. Call parent or an adult guardian to pick up child from the recreation center. Child will sit with two appointed adults until the child’s parent/guardian arrives. When parent/guardian arrives, an appropriate explanation must be given for the expulsion.
5. Manage the operations of the recreation center.
6. Ensure that all the athletic property of St. Charles remains inside the center. In addition, only athletes warming up should be on the court and using balls prior to the start of a game. No one is to be on the court during halftime without the proper gym shoes. No potentially disruptive play equipment (balls, etc) is allowed to be brought in and used in the hallways or gym.
7. Ensure that all participants and spectators remain on the ground floor, in public areas. Only authorized people are allowed on the stage, gym office, kitchen, and behind the concessions stands. No admittance is allowed on the stairs leading to or on the second floor of the gym building.
8. Ensure all exterior doors are secure after final game and building is evacuated.
The Admissions worker is typically the first person our visitors see and speak with. Please welcome all guests, and answer any questions. The Gym Supervisor can be called upon for assistance with any situations that the Admissions worker cannot handle.
1. Place the admissions price placard on the admissions table with the cash box and be at this post continuously at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the game. Athletes, coaches, workers, referees and scorers get in free, all parents and other guests must pay the designated admission prices.
2. Do NOT leave the cash box unattended.
3. After the final game return cash box to Gym Supervisor.
4. Assist other volunteers in sweeping the restrooms, hallways, and gym floor after the final game of the day.
5. Check with Gym Supervisor prior to leaving to ensure all work is done.
The Concessions Worker has an impact on the overall impression that our guests have of our parish. Please greet each person in a welcoming manner, answering questions, and assisting where needed.
1. Do not leave the cash box unattended.
2. After the final game of the day, please make sure that Gym Supervisor has control of the cash box.
3. Assist in cleaning up concessions and storing of goods for concessions.
4. Referees are allowed free items, within reason, from the concessions.
One or more parents on any given team may be delegated some responsibilities to assist the team coach with organizing the volunteer work needed from the parents of the athletes. Charts and materials to assist in scheduling or coaching may be requested by the head coach in a sport. Parents are expected to help fulfill those requests.
Basketball/Volleyball Coordinator Responsibility
1. Assure policy implementation of his/her sport program in accordance with Archdiocesan regulations.
2. Provides orientation for parents prior to the start of each sport season for those that need it. Every sport shall have some program of orientation for the purpose of setting clear expectations and establishing an understanding of the Christian principles, rules, and policies upon which this program is founded.
3. Assist the Athletic Director/Athletic Board in the start of each season with clinics, scrimmages, gym time schedule, and game schedule.
4. Serve as the secondary step in the grievance procedure in athletic disputes concerning his/her sport program. If the problem cannot be solved, the coordinator is to present it to the Athletic Director/Athletic Board.
4. Oversee team selection and the operation of tryouts for his/her sport should they be necessary to split teams, etc….
5. CYM coordinator is responsible for all sport activities sponsored on the CYM level.
6. Schedule score clock/scorebook workers which needs to be staffed by high school students or older.
Volunteer Concessions Operations Coordinator
1. Purchases all food and beverages sold at league and tournament dates at our recreation center.
2. Keeps accurate inventory of above.
3. Instructs designated volunteers on use and care of equipment and procedures used in setup for league and tournament activities.
4. Coordinates the running of all concessions for each sport.
1. Responsible for all uniforms, i.e. distribution, repair, cleaning, and storing.
2. Responsible for all equipment purchases during a season with approval from Athletic Director/Athletic Board.
3. There are to be no purchases of equipment, uniforms, and or parts, except by the Equipment manager with permission of the Athletic Director/Athletic Board. Any unauthorized purchases will not be the responsibility of the Athletic Board.
4. Equipment Manager is responsible for putting out just enough balls for each team to warm up and NO more. These balls should be marked with St. Charles and collected at the end of each warm up session. NO one is to enter storage area and take more!
1. Communicates and enforces parish athletic policies with the directors and all other personnel working in athletics under the supervision of the Youth Ministry Director.
2. Oversees all orientation programs.
3. Serves as the third step in grievance procedure in athletic policy disputes.
4. Appoints the SCAA Board Members annually with the prior approval of the Parish Pastor.
5. Calls meetings of the SCAA.
6. Supervises the Sport Coordinators, Operations Coordinator, Equipment Manager, Recreation Center Coordinator, and is responsible for all athletic functions.
7. Approve all communications with the league by his/her staff.
8. With the assistance of his/her staff develops a budget for the entire Athletic Program within the guidelines established by the Parish Council. Has responsibility for the proper management of the budget, including all accounts receivable and expenditures. The Athletic Director is accountable to the Parish Council or its designate in all Athletic Program financial matters.
9. Responsible to see that the Athletic Handbook is updated if required and keeps the Pastoral Staff and Parish Council delegates informed on a regular basis regarding the status of the athletic program.
SCAA Athletic Director and Board Members
1. Candidates who wish to apply for the Athletic Director position should submit a written resume to the Youth Ministry Director between April 1st and April 30th. The Youth Ministry Director will then interview candidates for the position and choose appropriately. The Youth Ministry Director is not obligated to make a change with their current Athletic Director. If a new Athletic Director is appointed, he/she will assume the position on July 1. In the event an Athletic Director resigns his position prior to a June 30 effective date, the Youth Ministry Director may solicit candidates at any time during the year and appoint the new Athletic Director at any time during the year. Appointment of a new Athletic Director is subject to approval by the parish pastor.
2. There is no term expiration for the Athletic Director position and an annual appointment will be conducted by the Youth Ministry Director as described in item 1 above.
3. Candidates for the position of board member of the SCAA shall submit written requests to the Athletic Director to be considered. The SCAA Board will be kept to seven (7) people including the Athletic Director.
4. The Athletic Director will appoint SCAA board members on an annual basis. The term is July 1 – June 30. New athletic board members are subject to approval by the parish pastor.
Coaches are selected through the following process:
1. Parents or parishioners who would like to coach a team at St. Charles are to indicate their intention during spring sign-up. There will be a registration form on which you indicate that you are interested in coaching a team.
2. Candidates will then be asked to submit a resume which highlights their playing and coaching experiences. They may be asked as well to appear before the Athletic Board or meet with the Athletic Director to discuss the position as well as their credentials.
3. After a review of the candidates, the Athletic Board will vote as to who they feel is most qualified to coach this particular team.
4. A coach does not need to be a parent or teacher from the school. A coach who has no particular ties to the team but knows the sport could be the best choice depending on the views of the Athletic Board.
5. NO one is appointed a coach without the Athletic Board’s approval.
All parishioners are asked to actively support all athletic teams and events at St. Charles. To avoid problems or conflicts we ask that all spectators observe the following guidelines:
1. Be courteous to all people attending our athletic events.
2. Be courteous to all opponents, coaches, referees, umpires, and score keepers. Avoid confrontations with the referees and umpires. They are doing their best to be fair to both sides.
3. Obscenities will not be tolerated. Any infractions will result in expulsion from our athletic events.
4. Demonstrate St. Charles’ sportsmanship and etiquette while attending any athletic event home or away.
1. Participation fee for each sport an athlete participates in will be provided in the online sign up. These fees help cover league costs, tournament entry fees, uniforms and equipment.
2. Families with financial hardship should contact the Athletic Director/Athletic Board directly.
3. Participation fees for any one family are capped at $400 per year.
4. Anyone not signing athletes up in the spring for a sport will be charged a late fee of $25 per sport for their athlete. New families to the parish are an exception.
Team Formation
Sign-up is held each spring for this sport. No team shall have more than twelve players (maximum). If the number of sign-ups exceeds this number, the volleyball coordinator must obtain approval from the Athletic Director/Athletic Board to have a larger team.
Playing Time
A “Match” will consist of 3 “Sets”. A “Set” is one game, typically to 25.
1. Fifth and sixth grade players will receive equal playing time in league matches during the season. Equal playing time is accumulated over the course of the league season, and not on a per match basis. Additionally, every player will receive playing time in every league match and tournament match. There is no minimum specified time allotted for tournaments.
2. Seventh grade players will receive a minimum of one set of playing time per league match during the season. This playing time is accumulated over the course of the league season and not on a per match basis. Every player will receive playing time in every league match. Every player will receive playing time in every tournament, however, there is no minimum specified time allotted for tournaments.
3. Eighth grade players will receive playing time in every league match. Every player will receive playing time in every tournament, however, there is no minimum specified time allotted for tournaments.
4. Playing time for any grade can be regulated by a coach for any of the following reasons: attitude, missing practices, not listening to coach, etc.
Specific Regulations
1. There must be a minimum of four practice sessions on separate days before the opening match of the season.
2. Fifth and sixth grade teams may be scheduled for a maximum of two practices per week, each being no more than 1 ½ hour in length. Seventh and eighth grade teams may be scheduled for a maximum of two practices per week, each being no more than 2 hours in length.
3. Teams are limited to playing in only one league during the season.
4. No team shall be scheduled for more than 18 matches during the season-exclusive of tournament participation.
5. Teams may participate in pre-season, mid-season, and postseason tournaments subject to the following limitations:
5th and 6th grade teams: Limited to participation in two tournaments.
7th and 8th grade teams: Limited to participation in three tournaments.
8th grade teams: May be invited to the Elizabeth Seton Invitational Tournament, in addition to the tournaments above.
6. A “match” shall consist of three “games” best two out of three games.”
Team Formation
Sign up will be held in the Spring with all of the other Sports. No team shall have more than thirteen players (maximum). If the number of sign-ups exceeds thirteen, the teams will be split according to Parkview Parochial League guidelines.
Playing Time
1. Fifth and Sixth grade players will receive equal playing time in league games during the season. Equal playing time is accumulated over the course of the league season, and not on a per game basis. Additionally, every player will receive playing time in every tournament game (no minimum specific time allotted).
2. Seventh grade players will receive a minimum of one quarter (6 minutes) of playing time per league game during the season. This playing time is accumulated over the course of the season and not on a per game basis. Additionally, every player will receive playing time in every tournament game (no minimum specified time allotted).
3. Eighth grade players will receive playing time in every league game and tournament game (no minimum specified time allotted).
4. Fifth and Sixth grade teams are to play man-to-man defense at least 50% of the time (includes league and tournament games). This time is accumulated over the course of the season and not on a per game basis.
5. Playing time for any grade can be regulated by the coach for any of the following reasons: attitude, missed practices, academic performance, not listening to coach, etc.
Specific Regulations
1. There must be a minimum of four practice sessions on separate days before the opening game of the season.
2. There must be a minimum of three practice sessions on separate days before the first scrimmage/game and with no more than one scrimmage/game allowed before the first game of the season.
3. Only one organized scrimmage/game is allowed per season.
4. Fifth and Sixth grade teams may be scheduled for a maximum of two practices per week. These practices shall not exceed more than 1.5 hours in length. Seventh and Eighth grade teams may be scheduled for a maximum of two practices per week. These practices shall not exceed more than two hours in length.
5. Teams are limited to playing in only one league during the season.
6. Teams may participate in pre-season, mid-season (holiday), and post season tournaments subject to the following limitations:
5th & 6th grade teams are limited to three tournaments, including St. Charles invitational tournaments
7th & 8th grade teams are limited to four tournaments, including St. Charles invitational tournaments
8th grade teams may be invited to the Padre Serra Archdiocesan Invitational tournament, in addition to the tournaments above.
7. Refer to the website “Athletics” page for additional rules and regulations.
Team Formation
The number of student athletes that sign up is unlimited and they will all be put on two teams. This is a co-ed sport for youths in fifth through eighth grade. Note: Sign up for track will take place in March of each year for that year’s participation.
Specific Regulations
1. There must be a minimum of four practice sessions on separate days before the student athlete may participate in the first track meet of the season.
2. Team practices may be scheduled for a maximum of two practices per week, each being no more than 2 hours in length.
3. Participants are limited to participating in only one meet per day.
4. No track meets should be scheduled after end of school year.
For all St. Charles tournaments, two volunteers are needed at all times for concessions, one for admissions, and one for gym supervision. Scorers, because they are volunteers, are not paid for tournament games. The Coordinator of each sport will work with the Concessions Coordinator to make sure that these positions are staffed properly. The parents of the athletes participating in the tournament will be called upon when their son or daughter is not performing to participate in helping stage these areas of help. The Athletic Director will make introductions of teams, opening remarks of the tournament, and hand out awards to coaches and teams, or delegate someone else in his absence to do so. Scorers/scorebook volunteers must be high school age or older.
***All parents of student athletes at St. Charles are required to help at the tournament that their son or daughter competes in. A list of sign-up sheets will be available so that we do not conflict with work schedules etc. NO Exceptions.
The St. Charles CYM Athletic Program abides by all Milwaukee Archdiocesan CYM policies and regulations (Archdiocesan Athletic Policies 6145.3(a) – 6145.32) which can be accessed through a link on the “General Information” page of the St. Charles Athletic Association website.
St. Charles Regulations
1. This program should run no differently than our normal parish program from a standpoint of parental involvement, athlete responsibilities, and coordination.
2. The CYM Program must have a CYM Basketball and CYM Volleyball Coordinators. This position is responsible for Concessions Coordinators, and Gym Coordinators during each sports season.
3. The Concessions Coordinator is to be responsible for all help during all scheduled games at St. Charles. There must be parent help at all times behind concessions handling cash. This does not apply to the Volleyball program.
4. Gym Coordinator is responsible for set up and take down of gym for CYM Basketball. All items must be put back in their proper place and Recreation Center must be locked up along with all outside doors. CYM Volleyball works with the Gym Coordinator to schedule gym time only.
5. Families are asked to commit hours to volunteer to the CYM programs and are required to sign up for this at the CYM sign up dates.
Volleyball - No volunteer deposit and volunteer hours are dependent on the number of home games scheduled.
Basketball - 4 hours of volunteer time per athlete. Each family is to put a $40 deposit down which will be returned at the end of the season once your hours have been met.
6. All gym requests must be forwarded to the Athletic Director. Gym times and dates will be provided to the league by Athletic Director. All coaches will contact the Athletic Director to schedule practice dates and times.
7. Coaches of the teams must be 21 or older and have completed Safeguarding all of God's Family training. No Exceptions.
8. Participants of the St. Charles CYM league MUST be members of St. Charles Parish and actively attending religious education classes at St. Charles or be enrolled in a Catholic high school. This is per Archdiocese Rules. Please see the CYM volleyball handbook at and the CYM basketball handbook at
9. Keys to the Recreation Center will be issued to coaches for this league. The CYM Coordinator is responsible, at the end of each season, to collect and hand in these keys. Keys must be signed out and back in, at the Parish Office.
10 All proceeds garnered from admissions to games and concessions will be put in the Athletic Association account as well as all fees for the league will be paid by the Athletic Association.
11. There is a fee for CYM participants for each sport per athlete which will cover costs of a T-shirt uniform as well as the league cost. Volleyball - Fee is $55. Basketball - Fee is $75.
Each year in late May a location will be chosen to have our awards banquet. At that time the student-athlete and parents are welcome to attend this banquet. Each coach will be given a time allotment to talk about his/her team as well as present individual awards.
Hopefully, any problems that develop regarding athletics can be resolved quickly and amicably for all parties.
The Athletic Board urges parents to discuss personal concerns with the coaches before seeking help from sport coordinators or the Athletic Director/Athletic Board.
1. If a problem should arise with regard to any aspect of the sports program, players and parents should first discuss them in detail with the coach involved. This should be done at a mutually agreed upon time and place. The issues/concerns of the parents should be documented in writing and provided to the coach ahead of time so he has sufficient time to formulate a response. The coach has the responsibility to alert the Athletic Director/Athletic Board of the problem. Most problems can be resolved through discussions among players, parents, and coaches.
2. If after such meeting with the coach, parents feel that their concerns have not been resolved, they should bring their problem to the director of the sport in question.
3. If no resolution can be attained at this point, they should bring the problem to the Athletic Director/Athletic Board for resolution.
4. If no resolution can be attained at this point, they may petition, in writing, to the SCAA Board Members outlining their grievance. At this time, the SCAA Board Members will take the grievance to the Youth Ministry Director with a recommended resolution and the Youth Ministry Director will give direction on how to proceed. This decision will be final.
If you have suggestions or ideas on how St. Charles Athletic Programs can be improved or enhanced, please share your suggestions with the Athletic Board members. We welcome your suggestions and as always, your help as a volunteer.
If an idea is not used, please do not conclude that it has been dismissed without consideration. Frequently, the experiences of other schools and parishes help determine the benefits and drawbacks of suggestions that are submitted.
Almost anything can be accomplished given the time, money, and personnel. Like other parishes we are limited in all three areas. We must take these limitations into consideration when formulating a practical, productive, and worthwhile athletic program.
This Handbook will be amended automatically by changes in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Policies and Regulations for Athletics.
Policies included in this Handbook may be amended by proposals submitted to the Youth Ministry Director for approval.
All policies in this booklet or any to be added must be approved by the Youth Ministry Director.