
"Do the right thing, do the best that you can, and always show people you care."


Coaches Requirements are delinated by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Coaches provide a very worthy service to a school. They must remember that they play an important part in the development of the student/athlete under their charge. Coaches must conduct themselves as Christians at all times. They must cooperate and not interfere with or impede the school's educational program. Imprudent actions on the part of the coaches are subject to disciplinary action by the principal/pastor and the league Board of Control. 


The following requirements must be met for all parish/school staff, athletic directors, coaches, assistant coaches, and other volunteers who have regular contact with children or youth prior to employment or commencement of volunteer service: 

  • Be cleared through a state and national criminal background check
  • Attend a Safe Environment "Protecting God's Children" awareness session
  • Read and sign the Code of Ethical Standards and the Mandatory Reporting Responsibilities
  • Be approved by a member of the professional staff
  • Repeat a criminal background check every five (5) years
    All coaches, whether a Head Coach, an Assistant Coach, or any adult actively involved in working with the players shall be certified. Head coaches must be at least 21 years of age; assistant coaches must be at least 18 years of age and a high school graduate.
    The training programs for certification shall include:
  • A basic or core preparation in the Catholic/Christian philosophy of coaching, risk management, and the prevention and treatment of injuries, including concussion awareness
  • Training in the specific sport to include rules, practice organization, skill development, and coaching behavior. This may be accomplished at local or online coaching clinics.
  • The basic or core preparation is required prior to assuming coaching duties. Completion of the sport-specific training requirement shall be accomplished within one year of the inception of coaching duties. Once these elements of certification are in place, a coach’s certification status is considered complete for life, except for other requirements that are listed in this section.
  • The local pastor/principal shall be accountable for monitoring coaches and maintaining certification records. The record keeping may be delegated by the pastor/principal.
  • Annually all employees and volunteers shall receive training in the treatment of bloodborne pathogens and concussion awareness. This training shall be completed prior to working with athletes. All coaches shall sign a statement acknowledging that they understand the importance of recognizing and responding to concussions.
  • Coaches should be made aware of the responsibilities of adults who supervise children and youth.